Duck, salmon: Masterpieces of the restaurant industry

Often to be found on the menu in fine dining restaurants, foie gras makes an exceptional dish, an icon of French cuisine.

But it’s not the only such product to grace the menus of Michelin starred restaurants: aged dried duck breast, raw duck breast, filets and smoked salmon too can be taken to new heights by daring and inspired chefs.

Generoso escalope de foie gras a la plancha, calabacines mixtos, habas, mango y zumo de limón

Polenta ravioli with dried duck breast

Raviolis de polenta, magret de pato madurado y láminas de colmenilla

Croustillant au saumon fumé
Crujiente de salmón ahumado

Cultivate the excellence and flavour of other duck cuts and smoked salmon in your own dishes: these products are so deliciously versatile!

The art of

Only you, our chefs, can transform a raw product into a dish capable of eliciting both pleasure and emotion. So Sarrade, the company with 170 years’ experience in foie gras, is there to support you and cultivate your imagination.

Sarrade offers you a diverse range of recipes developed by chefs.

Take and adapt them to suit your own personality and ideas, and create your own recipe.

Terrine de foie gras de canard et ananas

Terrine de foie gras et ananas

Mille feuilles rillettes shredded duck

Millefeuille de rillettes de canard, tempura de caprons & fraicheur acidulée

Rosace de magret de canard, vinaigrette citronnée et purées de légumes

Rosace de magret de canard